Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Tis the season...

to be jolly???

I'm off for Christmas now, so thought I'd leave with the one piece of creativeness I've produced which isn't to do with an animation craft show. Today I was editing together an interview for the series with Aardman's Richard Goleszowski. He gave a really interesting insight into the creative process behind putting an episode of Sean the Sheep together. In the show the interview is only three and a half minutes long but I've got 15 minutes worth of chat, which has some really nice content, I must throw it together later on next year as there is some interesting stuff which isn't suitable for a series aimed at 8-12 year olds.

So here's my Christmasie effort for 2008... It's an envelope but could be a xmas card, gift tag or reindeer enthusiast journal cover???

Merry Christmas one and all!

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