Friday, 12 December 2008

Feeling Lost

Having a down day? Me too...

I'm lucky enough to be a very energetic passionate person, but as a creative this comes at a price in the shape of a low. The dearest things to me in life are my dreams, desires and future projects, these things keep me going and something to aim for. If I was to describe how my lows feel,it would be losing my self belief in fulfilling my dreams. Now the reasons can vary from others doubting or letting you down to personal matters effecting your work.

When I'm low/down I always use the term 'Lost' to describe the feeling, as i never know how i got here or how I'm going to get out. I'm not sure how I'm going to get myself out of this current low, maybe writing this is one attempt?

This all reminded me of an article I was asked to write by an online creative mag. The theme for the issue was 'Lost', so I wrote about a creative person's eternal state of feeling 'Lost'. A link to it is below:

I'm feeling more 'Lost' than usual tonight, but do hope i get back to being a plain old 'Lostie' soon enough. It's days like this, that makes the highs all the more sweeter...

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